Which of the following environmental conditions are essential for optimum growth of Mucor on a piece of bread ?
A. Temperature of about 25C
B. Temperature of about 5C
C. Relative humidity of about 5%
D. Relative humidity of about 95%
E. A shady place
F. A brightly illuminatet place
Choose the answer from following options


(i), (iv) and (v) only


(ii), (iv) and (v) only


(ii), (iii) and (vi) only


(i), (iii) and (v) only

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The correct Answer is:A

(a) Mucor shows the best growth on a piece of bread at a temperature of about 25*C, relative humidity of about 95% in a moist and shady place. Mucor is a saprophytic fungus belonging to the order - Mucorales and family - Mucoraceae and grows on decaying dung and on some food stuffs.


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