Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Define the term "Promoters".

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Promoters:
A promoter is a substance that is added to a catalyst in a chemical reaction to enhance its effectiveness or performance.

2. Characteristics of Promoters:
- Promoters themselves do not have significant catalytic activity. This means that on their own, they do not cause or accelerate a chemical reaction.
- Their primary role is to improve the performance of the catalyst they are associated with.

3. Example of a Promoter:
- A well-known example of a promoter is molybdenum in the Haber process, which is used for the synthesis of ammonia.
- In this process, nitrogen gas (extracted from the air) reacts with hydrogen gas (extracted from natural gas) in the presence of iron, which acts as the catalyst.
- Molybdenum, as a promoter, enhances the efficiency of the iron catalyst, leading to a higher yield of ammonia.

4. Conclusion:
- In summary, promoters are essential additives that improve the performance of catalysts in chemical reactions, even though they do not contribute to the reaction themselves.

