State one important property of waves used for echo depth sounding.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Understanding Echo Depth Sounding: Echo depth sounding is a technique used to measure the depth of water bodies. It involves sending sound waves into the water and measuring the time it takes for the waves to bounce back after hitting the seabed.

2. Identifying the Property of Waves: One important property of waves that is utilized in echo depth sounding is their ability to travel long distances without significant loss of energy or distortion.

3. Explanation of the Property: This property allows the sound waves to penetrate deep into the water and reflect off the seabed, returning to the surface where they can be detected. The time taken for the echo to return is used to calculate the depth of the water.

4. Conclusion: Therefore, the important property of waves used for echo depth sounding is that they can travel undeviated through larger distances.

