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What are analogous organs ? Describe with one example from the plant kingdom.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Analogous Organs:
- Analogous organs are defined as organs that perform similar functions but have different structural features and origins. They arise from different evolutionary backgrounds but serve similar purposes in different organisms.

2. Characteristics of Analogous Organs:
- Similar functions: Despite their structural differences, these organs carry out the same role in the organism.
- Different structures: The anatomical structure of these organs varies significantly.
- Different origins: They originate from different ancestral lines, indicating a distinct evolutionary pathway.

3. Convergent Evolution:
- The phenomenon of analogous organs is a result of convergent evolution, where organisms from different evolutionary backgrounds develop similar traits or functions due to adapting to similar environments or ecological niches.

4. Example from the Plant Kingdom:
- A classic example of analogous organs in the plant kingdom is the comparison between the sweet potato and the potato.
- Potato: It is an underground stem (tuber) that stores food.
- Sweet Potato: It is a modified root that also serves the purpose of food storage.
- Although both the potato and sweet potato store food, they have different structures and origins, making them analogous organs.

5. Conclusion:
- In summary, analogous organs demonstrate how different organisms can evolve similar adaptations to fulfill the same function, despite having different structural and evolutionary backgrounds.

