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Total energy of electron orbiting around the nucleus of an atom is always negative. What is the significance of this ?

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To understand the significance of the total energy of an electron orbiting around the nucleus being always negative, we can break down the explanation into several steps:

1. Understanding Total Energy:
The total energy (E) of an electron in an atom is the sum of its kinetic energy (K.E) and potential energy (P.E). In the case of an electron orbiting a nucleus, the potential energy is negative due to the attractive electrostatic force between the positively charged nucleus and the negatively charged electron.

2. Kinetic and Potential Energy Relationship:
For an electron in a stable orbit, the kinetic energy is positive and is given by the formula:
where m is the mass of the electron and v is its velocity. The potential energy (P.E) due to electrostatic attraction is given by:
where k is Coulomb's constant, e is the charge of the electron, and r is the distance from the nucleus.

3. Total Energy Calculation:
The total energy (E) can be expressed as:
Since the potential energy is negative and the kinetic energy is positive, the total energy will also be negative for bound states (where the electron is bound to the nucleus).

4. Significance of Negative Energy:
The negative total energy indicates that the electron is in a bound state. It signifies that work must be done (or energy must be supplied) to remove the electron from the influence of the nucleus. This work done is known as the ionization energy.

5. Ionization Energy Example:
For example, in the hydrogen atom, the energy required to remove the electron from the first orbit (ground state) is approximately +13.6 eV. This value represents the ionization energy, which is the energy needed to free the electron from the attractive force of the nucleus.

The negative total energy of an electron in an atom signifies that the electron is in a stable, bound state within the atom, and energy must be supplied to ionize the atom and remove the electron.
