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Which is a better mode of reproduction - sexual or asexual? Why?

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1. Definition of Reproduction Modes:
- Asexual Reproduction: Involves a single parent and results in offspring that are genetically identical to the parent (clones). It occurs through processes like mitosis.
- Sexual Reproduction: Involves two parents and the formation of gametes (sperm and egg). It includes fertilization (syngamy) and occurs through meiosis.

2. Process of Gametogenesis:
- In sexual reproduction, gametes are formed through a process called gametogenesis, which involves meiosis. Meiosis is a reductional division that halves the chromosome number.

3. Genetic Variation:
- During meiosis, genetic material is mixed through processes such as crossing over and recombination. This leads to new genetic combinations and variations among offspring.

4. Importance of Variation:
- Variations are crucial for evolution and adaptability. They increase the chances of survival for the progeny in changing environments.

5. Comparison of Offspring:
- In asexual reproduction, the offspring are clones and lack genetic diversity, making them more susceptible to diseases and environmental changes.
- In sexual reproduction, the genetic diversity among offspring enhances their adaptability and survival chances.

6. Conclusion:
- Based on the above points, sexual reproduction is considered a better mode of reproduction than asexual reproduction due to the introduction of genetic variation, which is vital for the survival and evolution of species.
