Name four ornamental plants which gardner multiplies from stem cutting.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Understand the Concept of Stem Cutting:
- Stem cutting is a method of vegetative propagation where a part of the stem from a parent plant is cut and placed in soil to grow into a new plant.

2. Identify Ornamental Plants:
- Ornamental plants are those cultivated for decorative purposes in gardens and landscapes.

3. List Four Ornamental Plants:
- Based on the method of propagation through stem cuttings, the following four ornamental plants can be named:
1. Aster - A flowering plant known for its vibrant colors and is often used in gardens.
2. Butterfly Bush - A shrub that attracts butterflies and is popular for its fragrant flowers.
3. Chrysanthemum - Commonly known as 'mums', these are popular for their diverse colors and forms.
4. Rose - A classic ornamental plant known for its beautiful flowers and fragrance, widely propagated through stem cuttings.

4. Conclusion:
- These four plants (Aster, Butterfly Bush, Chrysanthemum, and Rose) are commonly multiplied by gardeners using the stem cutting method.

