What are antiseptics ? Give an example.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Antiseptics: Antiseptics are substances that are applied to living tissues to kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms, particularly bacteria. They are primarily used to prevent infections in wounds.

2. Function of Antiseptics: While antiseptics do not promote the healing of wounds, they play a crucial role in preventing infections that could arise from open wounds. This is an important distinction to understand.

3. Examples of Antiseptics:
- Dettol: This is a well-known antiseptic that contains a mixture of terpeniol and chloroxylenol, which enhances its antiseptic properties.
- Other examples include:
- Tincture Iodine
- Bithionol
- Boric Acid
- Phenol

4. Usage of Antiseptics: Antiseptics are commonly used in medical settings and at home for treating minor cuts and abrasions to prevent bacterial infections.
