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How is nylon-6, 10 prepared ?

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Step-by-Step Solution for Preparing Nylon-6,10:

1. Identify the Monomers:
Nylon-6,10 is prepared from two specific monomers: hexamethylenediamine and sebacoyl chloride. Hexamethylenediamine has the formula NH2(CH2)6NH2, and sebacoyl chloride has the formula C11H18ClO2 (or more simply, it can be represented as C=OCl with a long carbon chain).

2. Understand the Reaction:
The preparation of nylon-6,10 involves a condensation reaction between the diamine and the acyl chloride. In this reaction, the amine group (NH2) of hexamethylenediamine reacts with the acyl chloride (C=OCl) of sebacoyl chloride.

3. Write the Reaction Equation:
The reaction can be represented as follows:
Hexamethylenediamine+Sebacoyl chlorideNylon-6,10+HCl
This indicates that for every molecule of hexamethylenediamine that reacts with a molecule of sebacoyl chloride, one molecule of nylon-6,10 and one molecule of hydrochloric acid (HCl) are produced.

4. Formation of the Amide Linkage:
During the reaction, an amide bond is formed. The reaction proceeds through the elimination of HCl, leading to the formation of the polymer chain. The repeating unit of nylon-6,10 consists of the amide linkages between the hexamethylenediamine and sebacoyl chloride.

5. Polymer Structure:
The resulting polymer, nylon-6,10, has a repeating unit that can be represented as:
This structure illustrates the alternating amide linkages and the carbon chains derived from the two monomers.

6. Final Product:
The final product of this reaction is nylon-6,10, which is a type of polyamide known for its strength and durability.

