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Write the reducing agents which reduce alkyl cyanides to primary amines.

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To answer the question regarding the reducing agents that can reduce alkyl cyanides to primary amines, we can follow these steps:

1. Identify Alkyl Cyanides: Alkyl cyanides have the general formula R-C≡N, where R represents an alkyl group and C≡N is the cyanide functional group.

2. Understand the Reduction Process: The process of reducing alkyl cyanides involves converting the cyanide group (C≡N) into an amine group (NH2). This transformation typically requires a reducing agent.

3. List Common Reducing Agents: There are specific reducing agents known to effectively reduce alkyl cyanides to primary amines. The two main reducing agents are:
- Hydrogen in the presence of Nickel (H2/Ni): This is a catalytic hydrogenation process. The hydrogen gas (H2) in the presence of nickel catalyst reduces the triple bond in the cyanide to a single bond, forming a primary amine.
- Sodium in Ethanol (Na/EtOH): Sodium metal in ethanol also acts as a reducing agent for alkyl cyanides, converting them to primary amines.

4. Write the Final Answer: The reducing agents that can reduce alkyl cyanides (R-C≡N) to primary amines (R-CH2-NH2) are:
- Hydrogen gas (H2) in the presence of Nickel (Ni)
- Sodium (Na) in Ethanol (C2H5OH)

Final Answer:
The reducing agents which reduce alkyl cyanides to primary amines are:
1. H2/Ni
2. Na/EtOH
