Convert the given fractions into decimal fractions :
To convert the fraction 19200 into a decimal fraction, we will follow these steps:
Step 1: Identify the fraction
We start with the fraction 19200.
Step 2: Convert the denominator to a power of 10
To convert the denominator (200) into a power of 10, we need to find a number that can be multiplied with 200 to make it a power of 10. The closest power of 10 to 200 is 1000 (which is 103).
To convert 200 to 1000, we can multiply it by 5:
Step 3: Adjust the numerator
Since we multiplied the denominator by 5, we must also multiply the numerator by 5 to keep the fraction equivalent:
Now our fraction looks like this:
Step 4: Convert to decimal
Now that we have the fraction 951000, we can convert it into a decimal. Since the denominator is 1000, we can place the decimal point three places from the right of the numerator (95):
95 becomes 0.095
Final Answer
Thus, the decimal fraction of 19200 is:
We start with the fraction 19200.
To convert the denominator (200) into a power of 10, we need to find a number that can be multiplied with 200 to make it a power of 10. The closest power of 10 to 200 is 1000 (which is 103).
Since we multiplied the denominator by 5, we must also multiply the numerator by 5 to keep the fraction equivalent:
Now that we have the fraction 951000, we can convert it into a decimal. Since the denominator is 1000, we can place the decimal point three places from the right of the numerator (95):
95 becomes 0.095
Thus, the decimal fraction of 19200 is:
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