Convert into mixed fractions : 214
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Text Solution
To convert the improper fraction 214 into a mixed fraction, follow these steps:
Step 1: Divide the numerator by the denominator
We start by dividing the numerator (21) by the denominator (4).
21÷4=5(whole number part)
Step 2: Find the remainder
Next, we find the remainder of this division.
Step 3: Write the mixed fraction
Now that we have the whole number part and the remainder, we can express the improper fraction as a mixed fraction.
The whole number part is 5, and the remainder is 1, which we write over the original denominator (4).
Thus, we can write:
Final Answer
The mixed fraction of 214 is 514.
We start by dividing the numerator (21) by the denominator (4).
Next, we find the remainder of this division.
Now that we have the whole number part and the remainder, we can express the improper fraction as a mixed fraction.
The mixed fraction of 214 is 514.
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