If you are at , in which direction will you move to reach :
The correct Answer is:a. Left
b. Right
c. Right
d. Right
To solve the question, we need to determine the direction of movement from the position −10 to the specified points: −11, −9, 5, and 0. Let's analyze each case step by step.
1. Understanding the Number Line:
- Draw a number line with 0 in the center.
- To the left of 0, we have negative integers: −1, −2, −3, ..., −10, −11.
- To the right of 0, we have positive integers: 1, 2, 3, ..., 5, 6, etc.
2. Moving to −11:
- Starting at −10, we need to reach −11.
- Since −11 is to the left of −10, we move left.
- Direction: Left
3. Moving to −9:
- Starting again at −10, we need to reach −9.
- Since −9 is to the right of −10, we move right.
- Direction: Right
4. Moving to 5:
- From −10, we need to reach 5.
- Since 5 is far to the right of −10, we move right.
- Direction: Right
5. Moving to 0:
- Finally, from −10, we need to reach 0.
- Since 0 is also to the right of −10, we move right.
- Direction: Right
Summary of Directions:
- a. To reach −11: Move Left
- b. To reach −9: Move Right
- c. To reach 5: Move Right
- d. To reach 0: Move Right
- Draw a number line with 0 in the center.
- To the left of 0, we have negative integers: −1, −2, −3, ..., −10, −11.
- To the right of 0, we have positive integers: 1, 2, 3, ..., 5, 6, etc.
- Starting at −10, we need to reach −11.
- Since −11 is to the left of −10, we move left.
- Direction: Left
- Starting again at −10, we need to reach −9.
- Since −9 is to the right of −10, we move right.
- Direction: Right
- From −10, we need to reach 5.
- Since 5 is far to the right of −10, we move right.
- Direction: Right
- Finally, from −10, we need to reach 0.
- Since 0 is also to the right of −10, we move right.
- Direction: Right
- a. To reach −11: Move Left
- b. To reach −9: Move Right
- c. To reach 5: Move Right
- d. To reach 0: Move Right
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