Arrange in descending order:
78492, 784659, 78481, 784681
The correct Answer is:7,84,684;7,84,659;78,492;78,481
To arrange the numbers 78492, 784659, 78481, and 784681 in descending order, follow these steps:
Step 1: Count the number of digits in each number.
- 78492 has 5 digits.
- 784659 has 6 digits.
- 78481 has 5 digits.
- 784681 has 6 digits.
Step 2: Group the numbers based on the number of digits.
- 6-digit numbers: 784659, 784681
- 5-digit numbers: 78492, 78481
Step 3: Compare the 6-digit numbers.
- Compare 784659 and 784681:
- Both start with 7, then 8, and 4.
- The next digit is 6 in 784659 and 6 in 784681.
- The last digit is 9 in 784659 and 1 in 784681.
- Since 9 > 1, 784681 is greater than 784659.
Step 4: List the 6-digit numbers in descending order.
- The order is: 784681, 784659
Step 5: Compare the 5-digit numbers.
- Compare 78492 and 78481:
- Both start with 7, then 8, and 4.
- The next digit is 9 in 78492 and 8 in 78481.
- Since 9 > 8, 78492 is greater than 78481.
Step 6: List the 5-digit numbers in descending order.
- The order is: 78492, 78481
Step 7: Combine the results.
- Now, we combine the numbers from both groups in descending order:
- 784681 (6-digit)
- 784659 (6-digit)
- 78492 (5-digit)
- 78481 (5-digit)
Final Answer:
The numbers arranged in descending order are:
784681, 784659, 78492, 78481
- 78492 has 5 digits.
- 784659 has 6 digits.
- 78481 has 5 digits.
- 784681 has 6 digits.
- 6-digit numbers: 784659, 784681
- 5-digit numbers: 78492, 78481
- Compare 784659 and 784681:
- Both start with 7, then 8, and 4.
- The next digit is 6 in 784659 and 6 in 784681.
- The last digit is 9 in 784659 and 1 in 784681.
- Since 9 > 1, 784681 is greater than 784659.
- The order is: 784681, 784659
- Compare 78492 and 78481:
- Both start with 7, then 8, and 4.
- The next digit is 9 in 78492 and 8 in 78481.
- Since 9 > 8, 78492 is greater than 78481.
- The order is: 78492, 78481
- Now, we combine the numbers from both groups in descending order:
- 784681 (6-digit)
- 784659 (6-digit)
- 78492 (5-digit)
- 78481 (5-digit)
The numbers arranged in descending order are:
784681, 784659, 78492, 78481
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