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How is carbon monoxide prepared ? How does it react with metallic oxides, dihydrogen and chlorine ?

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Step-by-Step Solution

Step 1: Preparation of Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Carbon monoxide can be prepared through several methods:

1. Passing Steam over Red Hot Coke:
- When steam (H2O) is passed over red hot coke (carbon), a reaction occurs that produces carbon monoxide and hydrogen gas. This mixture is commonly referred to as water gas.
- The reaction can be represented as:

2. Reduction of Metal Oxides with Coke:
- Carbon monoxide can also be produced by reducing metal oxides using coke. For example, when zinc oxide (ZnO) is reduced with coke, zinc metal and carbon monoxide are formed.
- The reaction can be represented as:

Step 2: Reaction of Carbon Monoxide with Metallic Oxides
When carbon monoxide reacts with metallic oxides, it reduces the metal oxide and liberates carbon dioxide gas. For example:

1. Reaction with Zinc Oxide:

2. Reaction with Iron Oxide:

Step 3: Reaction of Carbon Monoxide with Dihydrogen (H2)
Carbon monoxide reacts with dihydrogen in the presence of a catalyst (such as zinc oxide and copper) at elevated temperatures (520 to 670 K) and high pressure (300 atm) to produce methanol (methyl alcohol).
The reaction can be represented as:

Step 4: Reaction of Carbon Monoxide with Chlorine (Cl2)
When carbon monoxide reacts with chlorine in the presence of sunlight, it forms phosgene (COCl2).
The reaction can be represented as:

Summary of Reactions
- Preparation:
- C+H2OCO+H2 (Water gas)
- ZnO+CZn+CO

- With Metallic Oxides:
- ZnO+COZn+CO2
- Fe2O3+3CO2Fe+3CO2

- With Dihydrogen:
- CO+2H2ZnO,Cu−−−−CH3OH

- With Chlorine:
- CO+Cl2sunlight−−−−COCl2
