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Why is methane known as marsh gas ?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Marsh Gas: Methane is commonly referred to as "marsh gas." This term is derived from its natural occurrence in marshy areas.

2. Characteristics of Marshy Areas: Marshy places are wetlands where the land is often covered with water. These areas are characterized by waterlogged soil and a rich presence of organic matter.

3. Anaerobic Decomposition: In marshy environments, the conditions are typically anaerobic, meaning there is a lack of oxygen. This is crucial because it affects the type of decomposition that occurs.

4. Role of Bacteria: In these anaerobic conditions, specific bacteria break down organic matter (such as decaying plant material). This process is known as anaerobic bacterial decomposition.

5. Production of Methane: During the anaerobic decomposition of vegetable matter, methane is produced as a byproduct. This is why methane accumulates in marshy areas.

6. Conclusion: Therefore, methane is known as marsh gas because it is produced in marshy areas through the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter.
