Write the fractions as decimal numbers:
281/ 125
The correct Answer is:2.248
To convert the fraction 281125 into a decimal number, we will use the long division method. Here’s a step-by-step solution:
Step 1: Set up the division
We will divide 281 by 125. This means we will write 281 inside the division bracket and 125 outside.
Step 2: Determine how many times 125 fits into 281
We need to find the largest multiple of 125 that is less than or equal to 281.
- 125×2=250 (this fits)
- 125×3=375 (this is too much)
So, we will use 2.
Step 3: Subtract to find the remainder
Now, subtract 250 from 281:
Step 4: Add a decimal point and a zero
Since 31 is smaller than 125, we need to add a decimal point and a zero to continue the division. This gives us 310.
Step 5: Determine how many times 125 fits into 310
Now, we find how many times 125 fits into 310.
- 125×2=250 (this fits)
- 125×3=375 (this is too much)
So, we will use 2 again.
Step 6: Subtract to find the new remainder
Subtract 250 from 310:
Step 7: Add another zero
Since 60 is still smaller than 125, we add another zero, making it 600.
Step 8: Determine how many times 125 fits into 600
Now, we find how many times 125 fits into 600.
- 125×4=500 (this fits)
- 125×5=625 (this is too much)
So, we will use 4.
Step 9: Subtract to find the new remainder
Subtract 500 from 600:
Step 10: Add another zero
Since 100 is still smaller than 125, we add another zero, making it 1000.
Step 11: Determine how many times 125 fits into 1000
Now, we find how many times 125 fits into 1000.
- 125×8=1000 (this fits perfectly)
Step 12: Subtract to find the new remainder
Subtract 1000 from 1000:
Final Result
Since we have reached a remainder of 0, we can stop here. The decimal representation of 281125 is:
Thus, 281125=2.248.
We will divide 281 by 125. This means we will write 281 inside the division bracket and 125 outside.
We need to find the largest multiple of 125 that is less than or equal to 281.
- 125×3=375 (this is too much)
Now, subtract 250 from 281:
Since 31 is smaller than 125, we need to add a decimal point and a zero to continue the division. This gives us 310.
Now, we find how many times 125 fits into 310.
- 125×3=375 (this is too much)
Subtract 250 from 310:
Since 60 is still smaller than 125, we add another zero, making it 600.
Now, we find how many times 125 fits into 600.
- 125×5=625 (this is too much)
Subtract 500 from 600:
Since 100 is still smaller than 125, we add another zero, making it 1000.
Now, we find how many times 125 fits into 1000.
Subtract 1000 from 1000:
Since we have reached a remainder of 0, we can stop here. The decimal representation of 281125 is:
Thus, 281125=2.248.
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