Find the HCF of 75, 630, 1890.
To find the HCF (Highest Common Factor) of the numbers 75, 630, and 1890, we can use the prime factorization method. Here are the steps:
Step 1: Prime Factorization of Each Number
For 75:
- Divide by 3: 75÷3=25
- Divide by 5: 25÷5=5
- Divide by 5: 5÷5=1
So, the prime factorization of 75 is:
For 630:
- Divide by 2: 630÷2=315
- Divide by 3: 315÷3=105
- Divide by 3: 105÷3=35
- Divide by 5: 35÷5=7
- Divide by 7: 7÷7=1
So, the prime factorization of 630 is:
For 1890:
- Divide by 2: 1890÷2=945
- Divide by 3: 945÷3=315
- Divide by 3: 315÷3=105
- Divide by 3: 105÷3=35
- Divide by 5: 35÷5=7
- Divide by 7: 7÷7=1
So, the prime factorization of 1890 is:
Step 2: Identify Common Prime Factors
Now, we will identify the common prime factors from the factorizations:
- For 3: The minimum power is 31 (from 75).
- For 5: The minimum power is 51 (from 630 and 1890).
- 2 and 7 are not common in all three numbers.
Step 3: Calculate HCF
Now, we multiply the common prime factors:
Final Answer
The HCF of 75, 630, and 1890 is 15.
- Divide by 3: 75÷3=25
- Divide by 5: 25÷5=5
- Divide by 5: 5÷5=1
- Divide by 2: 630÷2=315
- Divide by 3: 315÷3=105
- Divide by 3: 105÷3=35
- Divide by 5: 35÷5=7
- Divide by 7: 7÷7=1
- Divide by 2: 1890÷2=945
- Divide by 3: 945÷3=315
- Divide by 3: 315÷3=105
- Divide by 3: 105÷3=35
- Divide by 5: 35÷5=7
- Divide by 7: 7÷7=1
- For 3: The minimum power is 31 (from 75).
- For 5: The minimum power is 51 (from 630 and 1890).
- 2 and 7 are not common in all three numbers.
The HCF of 75, 630, and 1890 is 15.
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