Test whether 382546692 is divisible by 99 or not.
To determine whether the number 382546692 is divisible by 99, we can follow these steps:
Step 1: Group the digits into pairs from the right
We will group the digits of the number 382546692 into pairs starting from the right. The number can be grouped as follows:
- 92
- 66
- 54
- 25
- 38
Step 2: Sum the grouped pairs
Next, we will add these pairs together:
- 92 + 66 + 54 + 25 + 38
Calculating this step-by-step:
- 92 + 66 = 158
- 158 + 54 = 212
- 212 + 25 = 237
- 237 + 38 = 275
So, the total sum of the groups is 275.
Step 3: Check if the sum is divisible by 99
Now, we need to check if 275 is divisible by 99. We can do this by dividing 275 by 99:
- 275 ÷ 99 = 2.78 (approximately)
Since 275 is not a multiple of 99, we can conclude that it is not divisible by 99.
Since the sum of the grouped pairs (275) is not divisible by 99, we conclude that the number 382546692 is not divisible by 99.
We will group the digits of the number 382546692 into pairs starting from the right. The number can be grouped as follows:
- 92
- 66
- 54
- 25
- 38
Next, we will add these pairs together:
- 92 + 66 + 54 + 25 + 38
- 92 + 66 = 158
- 158 + 54 = 212
- 212 + 25 = 237
- 237 + 38 = 275
Now, we need to check if 275 is divisible by 99. We can do this by dividing 275 by 99:
- 275 ÷ 99 = 2.78 (approximately)
Since the sum of the grouped pairs (275) is not divisible by 99, we conclude that the number 382546692 is not divisible by 99.
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