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Define the following terms:

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Population:
- A population refers to a group of individuals of the same species that live in a specific geographical area at a given time.

2. Characteristics of Population:
- Members of a population interact with each other and reproduce, producing fertile offspring. This means that individuals within a population can mate and have young that are capable of reproducing.

3. Population Size:
- The size of a population can be quantified, such as stating that India has a population of approximately 150 crore (1.5 billion) people. This number reflects the total count of individuals at a particular time.

4. Factors Affecting Population:
- The size and dynamics of a population are influenced by four key factors:
- Mortality: The number of deaths in the population.
- Natality: The number of births in the population.
- Immigration: The arrival of new individuals from other areas into the population.
- Emigration: The departure of individuals from the population to other areas.
