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Formation of equatorial plate.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution

1. Definition of Equatorial Plate: The equatorial plate, also known as the metaphase plate, is a crucial structure formed during cell division. It is the imaginary plane where chromosomes align during metaphase.

2. Stage of Formation: The equatorial plate is formed during the metaphase stage of the M phase (mitotic phase) of the cell cycle.

3. Chromosome Alignment: During metaphase, chromosomes become highly condensed and are positioned along the equator of the cell. This alignment is essential for the proper segregation of chromosomes into daughter cells.

4. Role of Spindle Fibers: The chromosomes are attached to spindle fibers at their kinetochores. The spindle fibers originate from the centrosomes and help in pulling the chromosomes apart during the next phase of cell division.

5. Visual Representation: If you visualize a cell in metaphase, you would see all the chromosomes lined up in a single plane at the center of the cell, forming the equatorial plate. This arrangement allows for an organized separation of chromosomes.

6. Importance of Metaphase: Metaphase is considered the best phase for studying chromosome morphology due to the clear visibility of the aligned chromosomes, making it easier to observe their structure and number.
