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What do you understand by proto and metaxylem? How are they related to endarch and exarch condition in plants?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Protoxylem and Metaxylem:
- Protoxylem refers to the first-formed xylem tissue in a plant, which develops early during the growth of the plant. It consists of smaller vessel elements.
- Metaxylem is the xylem tissue that develops later, after protoxylem, and consists of larger vessel elements.

2. Characteristics of Protoxylem and Metaxylem:
- Protoxylem:
- Smaller in size.
- Forms first during the development of the plant.
- Metaxylem:
- Larger in size.
- Forms after protoxylem.

3. Understanding Endarch and Exarch Conditions:
- Endarch condition is characterized by the arrangement where protoxylem is located towards the center of the stem, while metaxylem is positioned towards the periphery. This arrangement is typically found in the stems of plants.
- Exarch condition is the opposite, where protoxylem is located towards the periphery, and metaxylem is situated towards the center. This arrangement is commonly found in the roots of plants.

4. Relation Between Xylem Types and Conditions:
- In summary, the positioning of protoxylem and metaxylem in relation to each other defines whether the plant is exhibiting an endarch or exarch condition:
- Endarch: Protoxylem (inner) and Metaxylem (outer) – Found in stems.
- Exarch: Protoxylem (outer) and Metaxylem (inner) – Found in roots.
