Mating of unrelated animals which may be between individuals of same breed but having no common ancestors for 4-6 generations is called :
A) Inbreeding
C) Out-crossing
D) Inter-specific hybridizationSolution in Malayalam
Cross breeding
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Mating of unrelated animals which may be between individuals of same breed but having no common ancestors for 4-6 generations is called : A) Inbreeding B) Cross-breeding C) Out-crossing D) Inter-specific hybridization
View Solutionअसंबंधित जंतुओं के बीच होने वाला प्रजनन, जो एक ही नस्ल के व्यष्टिगतों के बीच हो सकता है परन्तु जिनमें 4-6 पीढ़ियों के लिए कोई सामान्य पूर्वज नहीं होता है, क्या कहलाता है?
View SolutionPractice of mating of animals within the same breed, but having no common ancestors on either side of their pedigree upto 4-6 generation is
View SolutionBreeding of the unrelated animals of the same breed but having no common ancestors for 4-6 generations are
View SolutionThe breeding of the unrelated animals, which may be between individuals of the same breed but having no common ancestors for 4-6 generations is called
View SolutionA few statements are given below followed by a set of terms in a box. Pick the correct term and write it against the appropriate statement. Mating of closely related individuals within the same breed. (i) cross breeding , (ii) Inter-specific hybridization, (iii) Out breeding ,(iv) Out crossing, (v) Inbreeding
View SolutionA few statements are given below followed by a set of terms in a box. Pick the correct term and write it against the appropriate statement.
mating of animals of same breed but having no common ancestors in either side for 4-6 generations
(i) cross breeding , (ii) Inter-specific hybridization, (iii) Out breeding ,(iv) Out crossing, (v) Inbreeding
View SolutionRead the assertion and reason carefully to mark the correct option in question.
Assertion: Mating of more closely related individuals within the same breed for 4-6 generations is called inbreeding.
Reason: When inbreeding depression becomes a problem, selected animals of the breeding population should be mated with unrelated superior animals of the another breed.
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