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Indicate the correct match in the following


II cranial nerve - vagus


V cranial nerve - heart


VIII cranial nerve - lower jaw muscle


VI cranial nerve - external rectus muscle of eye

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The correct Answer is:D

To solve the question regarding the correct match of cranial nerves, we can follow these steps:

1. Identify the Cranial Nerves:
- There are 12 cranial nerves, each with specific functions. We need to know the correct name and function of each nerve.

2. List the Cranial Nerves and Their Functions:
- I. Olfactory Nerve: Sense of smell.
- II. Optic Nerve: Vision.
- III. Oculomotor Nerve: Eye movement (controls most eye muscles).
- IV. Trochlear Nerve: Eye movement (specifically the superior oblique muscle).
- V. Trigeminal Nerve: Sensory and motor functions (facial sensation and chewing).
- VI. Abducens Nerve: Eye movement (specifically the lateral rectus muscle).
- VII. Facial Nerve: Motor and sensory functions (facial expressions and taste).
- VIII. Vestibulocochlear Nerve: Hearing and balance.
- IX. Glossopharyngeal Nerve: Motor and sensory functions (taste and swallowing).
- X. Vagus Nerve: Motor, sensory, and parasympathetic functions.
- XI. Accessory Nerve: Motor function (shoulder and neck muscles).
- XII. Hypoglossal Nerve: Motor function (tongue muscles).

3. Analyze the Options:
- Option 1: Second cranial nerve is vagus. (Incorrect - it is the optic nerve)
- Option 2: Fifth cranial nerve is for hearts. (Incorrect - it is the trigeminal nerve)
- Option 3: Eighth cranial nerve is for lower jaws. (Incorrect - it is the vestibulocochlear nerve)
- Option 4: Sixth cranial nerve is for external rectus muscle of the eye. (Correct - it is the abducens nerve)

4. Select the Correct Option:
- The correct match is found in Option 4, which states that the sixth cranial nerve (abducens nerve) is responsible for the lateral rectus muscle, allowing outward gaze.

Final Answer:
The correct match is Option 4: The sixth cranial nerve is the abducens nerve, which helps control the lateral rectus muscle of the eye.

