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Name an algae that reproduces asexually through zoospores

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Question: The question asks for the name of an algae that reproduces asexually through zoospores.

2. Identifying Asexual Reproduction in Algae: Asexual reproduction in algae can occur through various methods, one of which is the formation of zoospores.

3. Defining Zoospores: Zoospores are microscopic, motile structures that are capable of movement. They are typically found in aquatic environments and are produced by certain algae during asexual reproduction.

4. Finding an Example: One well-known example of algae that reproduces asexually through zoospores is Chlamydomonas.

5. Conclusion: Therefore, the answer to the question is that the algae which reproduces asexually through zoospores is Chlamydomonas.

