Derive an expression for heat produced in a conductor using Joule's law of heating.Solution in Marathi

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Let 'V' be the potential difference applied across the two terminals of a resistor of resistance 'R' by a cell and 'I' be the current flowing through the resistor in time 't'.
ii. If charge Q flows through the resistor, then the electrical power 'P' is given by
P=Energytime ...(1)
where, energy is the work done by cell to move charge Q across the resistor
Energy =V×Q ...(2)
P=VQt ....[from equations (1) and (2)]
=VI ...(Qt=I) ....(3)
iii. The cell provides the energy to the resistor which is converted into heat energy, given by
H=P×t=V×I×t ...[from (3)](4)
iv. According to Ohm's law,
V=IR ...(5)
From equation (4) and (5),
This is called as Joule's law of heating.
