Answer the following question in detail:
Reorganize the following food chain. Describe the ecosystem to which it belongs.
Grasshopper - Snake - Paddy field - Eagle - Frog.
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The given food chain can be reorganized in the following manner :
Paddy Field Grasshopper Frog Snake Eagle
i. The given food chain belongs to cropland ecosystem.
ii. This ecosystem is man-engineered and artifically maintained by man by adding energy and planned manipulation.
iii. Manmade / artificial ecosystem is less complex as compared to natural ecosystem.
iv. This ecosystem relies on human efforts for its sustenance. Without human intervention and supervision,such man-made ecosystem will disintegrate.
v. In the given ecosystem, paddy crops in the field are primary producers that obtain energy from the sun. This energy is transferred to the primary consumers ( grasshoppers ) . Secondary consumers ( frogs ) feed on grasshoppers , which in turn pass on the energy to tertiary consumers ( snakes ). The apex consumers are eagles.


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