Explain how are forest resources affected by major stakeholders.Solution in Gujrati

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Forest resources are affected by major stakeholders.
(1) The Local People: These are the people who live in or around forests.
They are dependent on forest products for various needs of their life.
They need large quantities of firewood, small timber and thatch for their living
They use bamboo for making slates of their huts and baskets for collecting and storing fruits, vegetables and other food materials.
They use wood for making implements for agriculture, fishing and hunting,
The local people usually remain busy in collecting fruits, nuts, fodder, medicines, etc. from the forest.
Their cattle also graze in forest area.
For all these activities local people use forest resources in a sustainable manner and do not cause harm to forest in anyway.
(2) The Forest Department of the Government: The Forest Department of the Government took over charge of forests from the British in Independent India
They ignored needs of local people and started converting vast tracts of forests to monocultures of pine, teak or eucalyptus.
They cleared of all vegetation of the area and started planting the trees of their own choice.
This practice led to the destruction of biodiversity to great extent in the given area.
It benefitted only a few Industrialists and acted as an important source of revenue for the Forest Department.
(3) The Industrialists : Forest biodiversity suffers a great loss due to activities of Industrialists who look at the forests as merely a source of raw materials.
They do not bother for sustainability of the forest or ecological problems of the area.
They extract the required materials without replenishing it for future generations.
For example, after clearing the teak trees in one area, they start new project of cutting trees in another area.
(4) The Nature and Wildlife enthusiasts : They are the people who work for conservation and management of forest and wildlife.
These include local people who traditionally work for conservation of forests.


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