The equation for the vibration of a string fixed at both ends, vibrating in its its third harmonic is given by y=0.4sinπx10cos600πt where x and y are in cm
(1) What is the frequency of vibration ? (2) What are the positions of nodes?
(3) What is the length of string?
(4) What is the wavelength and speed of transverse waves that can interfer to give this vibration ?Solution in Telugu
Comparing with y=2asinkxcosωt we have
(1) ω=60π gives f=300Hz
(2) To get the position of nodes sinπx10=0
i.,e πx10=nπ where n=0,1,2....
Hence nodesoccur at x,0,10,20 cm.....
(3) since the string is in 3rd harmonic
l=3λ2 gives l=30cm
(4) Speed of wae v=fλ=300×20=60ms−1
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