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Define the term thurst. Give its SI unit.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Thrust:
Thrust is defined as the force that acts normally (perpendicularly) on a surface. It is a specific type of force that is applied in a direction perpendicular to the surface of an object.

2. Understanding the Concept:
In physics, thrust is often associated with the force exerted by engines or propellers in the context of motion. However, in a broader sense, it refers to any force that acts perpendicular to a surface, such as the normal force acting on an object resting on a surface.

3. SI Unit of Thrust:
Since thrust is a type of force, its SI unit is the same as that of force. The SI unit of force is the Newton (N).

4. Expressing the SI Unit:
The Newton can also be expressed in terms of its base units:
1 Newton=1 kgm/s2
where kg is kilogram, m is meter, and s is second.

5. Final Statement:
Therefore, thrust is defined as the force acting normally on a surface, and its SI unit is Newton (N), which can also be expressed as kilogram meter per second squared (kg·m/s²).

