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Calculate the internal energy of 1g of oxygen STP.

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To calculate the internal energy of 1 g of oxygen at STP, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the number of moles of oxygen.
The molar mass of oxygen (O₂) is approximately 32 g/mol.

Number of moles (n)=massmolar mass=1 g32 g/mol=132 mol

Step 2: Identify the temperature in Kelvin.
At Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP), the temperature is given as 273 K.

Step 3: Determine the degrees of freedom (F) for diatomic oxygen.
Oxygen is a diatomic gas, which means it has 5 degrees of freedom (3 translational and 2 rotational).

Step 4: Use the formula for internal energy.
The internal energy (U) of an ideal gas can be calculated using the formula:


- F = degrees of freedom = 5 for diatomic gases
- n = number of moles = 132 mol
- R = universal gas constant = 8.314 J/(mol·K)
- T = temperature in Kelvin = 273 K

Step 5: Substitute the values into the formula.
Now we can substitute the values into the internal energy formula:


Step 6: Calculate the internal energy.
Calculating the above expression step by step:

1. Calculate 52=2.5
2. Calculate 2.5×132=2.532=0.078125
3. Calculate 0.078125×8.314=0.649 (approximately)
4. Finally, calculate 0.649×273177.0J

Thus, the internal energy of 1 g of oxygen at STP is approximately 177 Joules.

Summary of the Solution Steps:
1. Calculate the number of moles of oxygen.
2. Identify the temperature at STP.
3. Determine the degrees of freedom for diatomic oxygen.
4. Use the internal energy formula.
5. Substitute the values and calculate.
