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What is a Zero of a Polynomial ?

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Zero of a Polynomial:
A zero of a polynomial is a value of x for which the polynomial evaluates to zero. In other words, if you substitute this value into the polynomial, the result will be zero.

2. Example Polynomial:
Consider the polynomial f(x)=x2+4x+4.

3. Finding the Zero:
To find the zero of the polynomial, we need to determine the value of x that makes f(x)=0.

4. Substituting a Value:
Let's test x=2:

5. Calculating:
Now, calculate f(2):
Simplifying this:

6. Conclusion:
Since f(2)=0, we conclude that x=2 is a zero of the polynomial f(x)=x2+4x+4.
