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Sketch the following graphs: y=2sin2x (ii) y=3sinx

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To sketch the graphs of the functions y=2sin(2x) and y=3sin(x), we will follow a systematic approach.

1. Understanding the Function y=2sin(2x)

- The function y=2sin(2x) is a sine function with an amplitude of 2 and a frequency that is doubled due to the 2x argument.
- The general form of a sine function is y=Asin(Bx), where:
- A is the amplitude.
- B affects the period of the function.

2. Finding the Amplitude and Period

- Amplitude: The amplitude is |A|=2. This means the graph will oscillate between -2 and 2.
- Period: The period T of the sine function is given by T=2πB. Here, B=2, so:
- This means the function will complete one full cycle from 0 to π.

3. Identifying Key Points

- We can find key points by evaluating the function at specific values of x:
- x=0: y=2sin(0)=0
- x=π4: y=2sin(2π4)=2sin(π2)=2
- x=π2: y=2sin(π)=0
- x=3π4: y=2sin(23π4)=2sin(3π2)=2
- x=π: y=2sin(2π)=0

4. Sketching the Graph of y=2sin(2x)

- Plot the key points: (0,0), (π4,2), (π2,0), (3π4,2), (π,0).
- The graph will oscillate smoothly between these points, creating a wave-like pattern.

5. Understanding the Function y=3sin(x)

- The function y=3sin(x) has an amplitude of 3.
- The period of this function is:

6. Identifying Key Points for y=3sin(x)

- Evaluate the function at specific values of x:
- x=0: y=3sin(0)=0
- x=π2: y=3sin(π2)=3
- x=π: y=3sin(π)=0
- x=3π2: y=3sin(3π2)=3
- x=2π: y=3sin(2π)=0

7. Sketching the Graph of y=3sin(x)

- Plot the key points: (0,0), (π2,3), (π,0), (3π2,3), (2π,0).
- The graph will oscillate smoothly between these points, creating a wave-like pattern.

Final Sketches

- The graph of y=2sin(2x) will have a period of π and oscillate between -2 and 2.
- The graph of y=3sin(x) will have a period of 2π and oscillate between -3 and 3.
