A student perfomed the experiment of heating ferrous sulphate crystals in a boiling tube. He smelt fumes of a pungent gas and saw colours of ferrous sulphate disappear.
(i) Write the chemical formula of the pungent gas.
(ii) Why does the colour of crystal disappear ?
(iii) Identify the nature of this chemical reaction.
(i) SO2→ Sulphur dioxide
SO3→Sulphur trioxide
(ii) Ferrous sulphate crystal contain 7molecules water of crystallization (FeSO4.7H2O). These crystals are green in colour. When these crystals are heated, they first lose 7 molecules of water od crystallization to form anhydrous ferrous sulphate (FeSO4) whis is white in colour.
(ii) It is a thermal decomposition reaction
because in this reaction one substance is splitting up into three substances on heating.
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