Describe a palindrome with the help of an example.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Palindrome: A palindrome is a sequence that reads the same forwards and backwards. This can apply to words, phrases, numbers, and even DNA sequences.

2. Example of a Palindrome: A common example of a palindromic word is "Malayalam." When you read "Malayalam" from the left to the right, it is the same as reading it from the right to the left.

3. Palindromic Sequences in DNA: In the context of biology, palindromic sequences are found in DNA. These sequences are crucial because they can be recognized and cut by specific enzymes known as restriction endonucleases.

4. Illustration of a DNA Palindrome: Consider the DNA sequence:
- Forward strand: 5' - G A A T T C - 3'
- Complementary strand: 3' - C T T A A G - 5'
When read from both strands, the sequence is palindromic because it reads the same in both directions.

5. Significance of Palindromic Sequences: Palindromic sequences are significant in molecular biology, particularly in genetic engineering, because restriction endonucleases can cut DNA at these specific sites. This allows scientists to manipulate DNA for various applications.
