A child suffering from Thalassemia is born to a normal couple. But the mother is being blamed by the family for delivering a sick baby.
(a) What is Thalassemia ?
(b) How would you counsel the family not to blame the mother for delivering a child suffering from this disease ? Explain...
(c) List the values your counselling can propagate in the families.

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(a) Thalassemia is a group of autosomal reccessive blood disorders characterized by sever anaemia as a result of production of faulty haemoglobin chains. Mutations in the genes coding for the alpha, beta or delta chains constituting haemoglobin lead to the synthesis of improperly folded haemoglobin that is incapable of transporting oxygen efficiently.
(b) Thalassemia is an autosomal recessive disease, which means the mutation is carried on one of the autosomes, so the carrier can be any one of the two parents. It has an equal probability of coming from the mother or the father, so to just blame the mother for the child's abnormality is unjustified.
(c) The values counseling can propagate in the families are-
(i) Give a healthy diet plan to the child.
(ii) Accepting their child with all his/her positives and negatives.
(iii) Neither of the parents is responsible for giving birth to a sick baby.
(iv) The defect is caused by a random change in the genes of the child.
(v) Encouraging the child to follow his/her treatment regularly and lead a happy and normal Life.
(vi) Support the child emotionally by talking about fear, anxiety and depression or stress the child feels.


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  • Jesus said two thousand years ago, "Love thy neighbour as thyself". As love begets love, your neighbour is bound to reciprocate. Loving relationship with your neighbour can bring immense joy and excitement to your day to day life. A neighbour is always at hand to help you in time of need. In the highly mobile social life of today, your relations and friends are rarely located near your place of residence. In unforeseen circumstances of a sickness or accident, you get immediate help and assistance from your neighbour. His readiness to help you spates you the anxiety of contacting your relations and waiting for their response. A good neighbour is a great support and a major convenience in modern life. Although desirability of loving your neighbour is not denied by any right thinking person, human psychology militates against the idea of selfless love for your neighbour. On the contrary, ordinary human being is generally jealous of his neighbour. Whatever may be the psychological obstructions in the way of developing good relationship with one's neighbour, its practical utility is unquestionable. Good neighbourly relations are generally based on enlightened self interest. Every family has its weakness and quota of problems. Understanding neighbours can contribute a great deal in facilitating smooth conduct of your day-to-day affairs. In many areas of Delhi, neighbours have agreed upon a roaster of performing watchman's duties to guard against thefts and robberies. Relationship with neighbours does not always remain rosy. Occasionally, disputes arise between neighbours on trivial issues which poison the relations. Quarrels between children sometimes flow over to the adults too who instead of making light of the quarrels, impart serious dimensions to them thus vitiating the good neighbourly feelings. Often, adolescent boys and girls develop tender and loving relationship which is not always approved by their parents. Souring of relationship may degenerate into total stoppage of normal courtesy between neighbours. Maintaining good neighbourly relations requires a lot of tact, patience, foresight and tolerance. One can bear a patch of bad feelings with one's relations but with neighbours it becomes very trying and unbearable. Neighbours constitute the first school for learning social manners and developing social virtues. Extent of social interaction you want to develop with your neighbour is mostly a matter of free choice: Tolerance and consideration for others are the basic attitudes which make social interaction possible. Neighbours play an important role in the character formation of children. They develop life long relationship with neighbours. It is because of developing affectionate relationships in the neighbourhood that children feel miserable when they have to shift out to other cities on account of transfer of their parents. Good neighbours add spice to your life. Your popularity among neighbours is really tested when there is a death in the family. Neighbours participate untiringly in making funeral arrangements. They stand by you throughout the period of mourning, offering loving care and assistance in going through the daily routines. The social reputation of man can be judged by the size of the funeral procession of his father or grandfather.
