Define the following terms?
(a) Tidalvolume
(b) Residualvolume
(c) Asthma

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(a) Tidal Voiume (TV) is the volumeof air inspiredor expired during normal breath. This is about 500 mL. Le. a healthy man inspire or expire about 6000 to 8000 ml. of air per minute.
(b) Residuat Volume (RV) is the volumeof airremainingin the lungs even after a forcible expiration. it is about 1100 mL to 1200 mL. (c ) Asthma it is a disease caused due to an allergicreaction to foreign substances. The major symptomsare difficultyinbreathingcausingwheezing and coughing. Due to the intiammation of bronchi.
