A particle of mass m is thrown upwards from the surface of the earth, with a vilocity U. The mass and the radius of the earth are respectively, M and G is gravitational constant and g is acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth. The minimum value of U so that the particle does not return back to earth, is........ Solution in Gujrati
The correct Answer is:A
Here u becomes a escape velocity
i.e. u but
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View SolutionA particle of mass m is thrown upwards from the surface of the earth with a velocity u the mass and the radius of the earth are respectively M and R .G is gravitational constant and g is acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth the minimum value of u so that the particle does not return back to earth is
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View Solutionm द्रव्यमान का एक कण पृथ्वी तल से ऊपर की और u वेग से फेंका जाता है। पृथ्वी का द्रव्यमान तथा त्रिज्या क्रमशः M और R है पृथ्वी ताल पर गुरुत्वाकर्षण नियातांक G तथा गुरुत्वीय त्वरण g है u का वह न्यूनतम मान जिससे कण पृथ्वी तल पर वापिस नहीं लौटता है , है
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