Viscous force acting between two layers of liquid having area A and velocity gradient ΔvΔz is given by F=ηAΔvΔz . Find dimension of η.Solution in Gujrati
F=ηAΔvΔz ΔZ= distance
∴η=FΔvAΔz ΔV= velocity
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- WAVESBOOK - KUMAR PRAKASHANCHAPTER - WAVESEXERCISE - SECTION-F (Questions From Module) (Sample questions for preparation of competitive exams)
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View SolutionWhen a liquid flows in a tube, there is relative motion between adjacent layers of the liquid. This force is called the viscous force which tends to oppose the relative motion between the layers of the liquid. Newton was the first person to study the factors that govern the viscous force in a liquid. According to Newton’s law of viscous flow, the magnitude of the viscous force on a certain layer of a liquid is given by
where A is the area of the layer dvdx is the velocity gradient at the layer and η is the coefficient of viscosity of the liquid.
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View Solutionन्यूटन के अनुसार दो पर्तों के बीच लगने वाला श्यान बल F=−ηAΔVΔZ से दिया जाता है जहां A= क्षेत्रफल तथा ΔVΔZ वेग प्रवणता है । श्यानता गुणांक η की विमा होगी।
View SolutionAccording to Newton, the viscous force acting between liquid layers of area A and velocity gradient ΔvΔz is given by F=−ηAdvdz, where η is constant called coefficient of viscosity . The dimensional formula of its
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