A great physicist of this century (P.A.M. Dirac) loved playing with numerical values of Fundamental constants of nature. This led him to an interesting observation. Dirac found that from the basic constants of atomic physics(c,e, mass of electron, mass of proton) and the gravitational constant G, he could arrive at a number with the dimension of time. Further, it was a very large number, its magnitude being close to the present estimate on the age of the universe (~ 15 billion years). From the table of fundamental constants in this book, try to see if you too can construct this number (or any other interesting number you can think of ). If its coincidence with the age of the universe were significant , what would this imply for the constancy of fundamental constants ?Solution in Gujrati
Some constants of nuclear physics,
charge of electron e=1.6×10−19C
Light of speed in free space c=3×108ms−1
Universal Gravitation constant
Mass of electron me=9.1×10−31kg
Mass of proton mp=1.67×10−27kg
Permitivity in free space
A physical quantity x is obtained of dimension of time by using these constants.
where x=e416π2∈20mpm2ec3G
By writing dimensions on both sides,
Now, substituting values of constants in given equation,
=6.9×108 years
=109 years
=1 Billion years
This calculation shows that value of constant is approximately equal to age of world.
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View SolutionA great physicist of this century (P. A. M. Dirac) loved playing with numerical values of fundamental constant of nature. This led him to an instreasing observaion. Dirac found that form the basic constant of atomin physice (c,e, mass of electron mass of proton) and the gravitational constant G, he could arrive at a number with the dimension of time. Further, it was a very large number, its magnitude being close to the present estimate on the age of the universe (~~ 15 billion years). Form the table of fundamental constants in this book, try to see if you too can construct this number (or any other instresting number you can think of). if its coincidence with the age of the universe ware significant, what would this imply for the constancy of fundamental constants ?
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View Solutionइस शताब्दी के एक महान भौतिकविद (पी.ए.एम. डिरेक) प्रकृति के मूल स्थिरांको (नियतांकों) के आंकिक मानो के साथ क्रीड़ा में आनंद लेते थे । इससे उन्होने एक बहुत ही रोचक प्रेक्षण किया । परमाण्वीय भौतिकी के मूल नियतांकों (जैसे - इलेक्ट्रॉन का द्रव्यमान, प्रोटॉन का द्रव्यमान तथा गुरुत्वीय नियतांक G) से उन्हें पता लगा की वे एक ऐसी संख्या पर पहुंच गए हैं जिसकी विमा समय की विमा है । साथ ही, यह एक बहुत ही बड़ी संख्या थी और इसका परिमाण विश्व की वर्तमान आकलित आयु (~ 1500 करोड़ वर्ष) के करीब है । इस पुस्तक में दी गई मूल नियतांकों की सारणी के आधार पर यह देखने का प्रयास कीजिए की क्या आप भी यह संख्या (या और कोई अन्य रोचक संख्या जिसे आप सोच सकते हैं) बना सकते हैं ? यदि विश्व की आयु तथा इस संख्या में समानता महत्वपरून है, तो मूल नियतांकों की स्थिरता किस प्रकार प्रभावित होगी ?
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View SolutionA great physicist of this century (P.A.M. Dirac) loved playing with numerical values of Fundamental constants of nature. This led him to an interesting observation. Dirac found that from the basic constants of atomic physics(c,e, mass of electron, mass of proton) and the gravitational constant G, he could arrive at a number with the dimension of time. Further, it was a very large number, its magnitude being close to the present estimate on the age of the universe (~ 15 billion years). From the table of fundamental constants in this book, try to see if you too can construct this number (or any other interesting number you can think of ). If its coincidence with the age of the universe were significant , what would this imply for the constancy of fundamental constants ?
View SolutionA great physicist of this century (P.A.M. Dirac) loved playing with numerical values of Fundamental constants of nature. This led him to an interesting observation. Dirac found that from the basic constants of atomic physics(c,e, mass of electron, mass of proton) and the gravitational constant G, he could arrive at a number with the dimension of time. Further, it was a very large number, its magnitude being close to the present estimate on the age of the universe (~ 15 billion years). From the table of fundamental constants in this book, try to see if you too can construct this number (or any other interesting number you can think of ). If its coincidence with the age of the universe were significant , what would this imply for the constancy of fundamental constants ?
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