Group 13 of periodic table consists of boron or aluminium family. Boron being the first member, shows anomalous behaviour due to its small size and high nuclear charge/size ratiom high electrone gastivity and non availability of d-electrons. All the group 13 members forms hydrides, hydroxides, halides showing +3 covalency, however boron forms electron deficient species.
Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct.
(I) Both B and Al forms anionic hydrides
(II) Both form alkaline hydroxide of formula M(OH)3
(III) Both B and Al forms a series of polymeric hydrides
(IV) Both forms monoeric halides MX3 Solution in Telugu
The correct Answer is:A
NaBH4andLiAlH4 are ionic hydrides. Al does not form a series of polymeric hydride. Only one hydride of Al is (AIH3)n is known. B(OH)3 is acid. AlX3 , exists as dimer
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View Solutionగ్రూపు 13 లో బోరాన్ అసంగత ప్రవర్తనను సంక్షిప్తంగా రాయండి.
View SolutionGroup 13 of periodic table consists of boron or aluminium family. Boron being the first member, shows anomalous behaviour due to its small size and high nuclear charge/size ratiom high electrone gastivity and non availability of d-electrons. All the group 13 members forms hydrides, hydroxides, halides showing +3 covalency, however boron forms electron deficient species.
Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct.
(I) Both B and Al forms anionic hydrides
(II) Both form alkaline hydroxide of formula M(OH)3
(III) Both B and Al forms a series of polymeric hydrides
(IV) Both forms monoeric halides MX3
View SolutionGroup 13 of periodic table consists of boron or aluminium family. Boron being the first member, shows anomalous behaviour due to its small size and high nuclear charge/size ratiom high electrone gastivity and non availability of d-electrons. All the group 13 members forms hydrides, hydroxides, halides showing +3 covalency, however boron forms electron deficient species. Which one is not correct chemical change ?
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वक्तव्य || B3+ का छोटा आकार इसके सहसंयोजक बन्ध के बनने में सहायता करता है।
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View Solutionबोरॉन के अतिरिक्त समूह-13 के अन्य सदस्य
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