Write whethere the following statements are true or false :
(a) Stratified squmous epithelium covers moist surfaces like buccal cavity.
(b) Fibroblasts store fat in the adipose tissue.
(c ) Serum albumin acts as antibody to help in body defence.
(d) Transitional epithelium prevents loss of water from the blood to the urine.
(e ) Blood platelets are formed from macrophages.
(f) Nodes of Ranvier occur in nonmyelinated nerve fibres.
(g) Single-unit smooth muscle fibres may contract automatically and rhythmically.
(h) Sarcomere is a segment of striated muscle fibre between consecutive Z bands.

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(a) True , (b) False , (c ) False(d) False , (e ) False , (f) False , (g) True , (h) True.


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