Biological classification is a dynamic and ever evolving phenomenon which keeps changing with our understanding of life forms. Justify, the statement taking any two examples .
Discuss the changes made in studying biological classification from time to time and also enumerate the need for this changes.
Step by step video & image solution for Biological classification is a dynamic and ever evolving phenomenon which keeps changing with our understanding of life forms. Justify, the statement taking any two examples . Discuss the changes made in studying biological classification from time to time and also enumerate the need for this changes. by Biology experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 11 exams.
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Read the following information and five statements given below it carefully and answer the question which follow : Fortunately, more and more countries are shifting their focus away from industrial development to control of climate these days.
A. The countries which focus more on controlling climate changes than industrial development.
B. Many countries had once prioritised industrial development which proved to be harmful to the environment in the long run.
C. Some experts are of the view that climate changes is not as alarming an issue as it is made to be because it is a natural phenomenon and has been occurring regularly throughout the history of earth.
D. If climate changes continues at the present rate, it would bring in large-scale destruction to human habitation in a very short time.
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1) A
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View SolutionRead the following information and five statements given below it carefully and answer the question which follow : Fortunately, more and more countries are shifting their focus away from industrial development to control of climate these days.
A. The countries which focus more on controlling climate changes than industrial development.
B. Many countries had once prioritised industrial development which proved to be harmful to the environment in the long run.
C. Some experts are of the view that climate changes is not as alarming an issue as it is made to be because it is a natural phenomenon and has been occurring regularly throughout the history of earth.
D. If climate changes continues at the present rate, it would bring in large-scale destruction to human habitation in a very short time.
E. Industrial development is one of the biggest but definitely not the reason behind global warming.
Which of the statements numbered (A),(B), (C), (D) and (E) can be assumed/inferred from the facts/information given in the statement ? (An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted and an inference is something which is not directly stated ut can be inferred from the given facts)
1) E
2) C
3) A
4) B
5) Either D or A
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The change in which the shape , size, appearance or state of a subtance may alter but its chemical composition remains the same is called a physical change . In a physical change, no new substance is formed. Any change that involves the formation of a new substance and leads to a transformation of chemical identity is called a chemical change.
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P. The real purpose underlying this maxim lies in its utility in the worldly sense.
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The questions below consist of a set of labelled sentences. Out of the four options given, select the most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
P : The real purpose underlying this maximum lies in its utility in the worldly sense.
Q : He has within him a spirit which is ever exhorting him to cut down his needs and learn to be happy with what he has.
R : Man is something much greater than an intelligent being using his intellect to make newer inventions from time to time.
S : It tells us to be up and doing, not to be passive in our attitude to life .
View SolutionSettled life and cultivation gave man leisure, he had no longer to always think of getting food. During spare time he could make stone tools, hoes or pots and weave cloth. Some people spared from producing their own food could even devote themselves to other activities all the time. This resulted in a division of labour. The division of labour made it possible for various groups to specialize, that is to acquire greater skill and learn better techniques in doing one kind of work.
The setled community life needed rules to regulate the behaviour of the members of the community. It is not possible to know exactly how regulations were established. It appears that the decisions regarding the community were taken by the people as a whole, or by a council of elders, as in the practice in tribal societies. There were perhaps no kings or any organized government. Most likely, there were chiefs elected by the community for their qualities of leadership. But, these chiefs could not pass their positions on the their sons and they enjoyed few special privileges. Archaeological excavations have not revealed anything which would indicate the prevalence of a higher status for some members of the community. This is also supported by the study of life in many tribes in modern times.
Thus, social inequalities do not seem to have emerged even in Neolithic times.
To which period do the Neolithic times refer ?
View SolutionSettled life and cultivation gave man leisure, he had no longer to always think of getting food. During spare time he could make stone tools, hoes or pots and weave cloth.
Some people spared from producing their own food could even devote themselves to other activities all the time. This resulted in a division of labour. The division of labour made it possible for various groups to specialize, that is, to acquire greater skill and learn better techniques in doing one kind of work.
The settled community life needed rules to regulate the behaviour of the members of the community. It is not possible to know exactly how regulations were established. It appears that the decisions regarding the community were taken by the people as a whole, or by a council of elders, as is in the practice in tribal societies. There were perhaps no kings or any organized government. Most likely, there were chiefs elected by the community for their qualities of leadership. But, these chiefs could not pass their positions on to their sons and they enjoyed few special privileges. Archaeological excavations have not revealed anything which would indicate the prevalence of a higher status for some members of the community. This is also supported by the study of life in many tribes in modern times.
Thus, social inequalities do not seem to have emerged even in Neolithic times.
To which period do the Neolithic times refer?
View SolutionSettled life and cultivation gave man leisure, he had no longer to always think of getting food. During spare time he could make stone tools, hoes or pots and weave cloth. Some people spared from producing their own food could even devote themselves to other activities all the time. This resulted in a division of labour. The division of labour made it possible for various groups to specialize, that is to acquire greater skill and learn better techniques in doing one kind of work.
The setled community life needed rules to regulate the behaviour of the members of the community. It is not possible to know exactly how regulations were established. It appears that the decisions regarding the community were taken by the people as a whole, or by a council of elders, as in the practice in tribal societies. There were perhaps no kings or any organized government. Most likely, there were chiefs elected by the community for their qualities of leadership. But, these chiefs could not pass their positions on the their sons and they enjoyed few special privileges. Archaeological excavations have not revealed anything which would indicate the prevalence of a higher status for some members of the community. This is also supported by the study of life in many tribes in modern times.
Thus, social inequalities do not seem to have emerged even in Neolithic times.
What did man do in his spare time ?
View SolutionSettled life and cultivation gave man leisure, he had no longer to always think of getting food. During spare time he could make stone tools, hoes or pots and weave cloth.
Some people spared from producing their own food could even devote themselves to other activities all the time. This resulted in a division of labour. The division of labour made it possible for various groups to specialize, that is, to acquire greater skill and learn better techniques in doing one kind of work.
The settled community life needed rules to regulate the behaviour of the members of the community. It is not possible to know exactly how regulations were established. It appears that the decisions regarding the community were taken by the people as a whole, or by a council of elders, as is in the practice in tribal societies. There were perhaps no kings or any organized government. Most likely, there were chiefs elected by the community for their qualities of leadership. But, these chiefs could not pass their positions on to their sons and they enjoyed few special privileges. Archaeological excavations have not revealed anything which would indicate the prevalence of a higher status for some members of the community. This is also supported by the study of life in many tribes in modern times.
Thus, social inequalities do not seem to have emerged even in Neolithic times.
What did man do in his spare time?
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