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How are sol, solution and suspension different from each other ?

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To differentiate between sol, solution, and suspension, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Define Each Term
- Sol: A sol is a colloidal solution, which means it contains small particles dispersed throughout a medium.
- Solution: A solution is a homogeneous mixture where the solute is completely dissolved in the solvent.
- Suspension: A suspension is a heterogeneous mixture where larger particles are mixed with a liquid but will settle over time.

Step 2: Identify the Nature of Mixtures
- Sol: Heterogeneous mixture.
- Solution: Homogeneous mixture.
- Suspension: Heterogeneous mixture.

Step 3: Discuss the Tyndall Effect
- Sol: Shows the Tyndall effect, which means it can scatter light due to the presence of colloidal particles.
- Solution: Does not show the Tyndall effect, as the particles are too small to scatter light.
- Suspension: Generally does not show the Tyndall effect, but in some cases, it may show it if some particles remain suspended.

Step 4: Stability of Mixtures
- Sol: Quite stable.
- Solution: Very stable.
- Suspension: Unstable; particles tend to settle over time.

Step 5: Provide Examples
- Sol: Milk (a colloidal mixture).
- Solution: Saltwater (salt dissolved in water).
- Suspension: Sand in water (sand settles at the bottom).

Summary of Differences
| Property | Sol (Colloid) | Solution | Suspension |
| Nature | Heterogeneous | Homogeneous | Heterogeneous |
| Tyndall Effect | Shows | Does not show | Generally does not show|
| Stability | Quite stable | Very stable | Unstable |
| Example | Milk | Saltwater | Sand in water |

Updated on:18/9/2024

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