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Distinguish between the meaning of the terms adsorption and absorption. Given one example of each.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Define Absorption:
- Absorption is a process where one substance is taken up into the volume or bulk of another substance. In this process, the absorbed substance penetrates the entire volume of the absorbing material.

2. Example of Absorption:
- A common example of absorption is when a sponge is placed in water. The sponge soaks up the water, becoming fully wet as the water enters its bulk.

3. Define Adsorption:
- Adsorption, on the other hand, is a surface phenomenon where one substance adheres to the surface of another. In this case, the adsorbed substance does not penetrate the bulk of the material but instead forms a layer on its surface.

4. Example of Adsorption:
- An example of adsorption is when a stone is placed in water. The surface of the stone becomes wet, but if you break the stone open, the inside remains dry. This illustrates that only the surface of the stone has adsorbed water.

5. Summary of Differences:
- To summarize, absorption involves the entire volume of a substance being penetrated, while adsorption involves only the surface interaction between substances.
