Figures depicts two circular motions. The radius of the circle, the period of revolution, the initial position and the sense of revolution are indicated on the figures. Obtain the simple harmonic motions of the x-projection of the radius vector of the rotating particle P in each case.
Solution in Gujrati
(a) At t = 0, OP makes an angle of 45∘=π/4 rad with the (positive direction of ) x-axis. After time t, it covers an angle 2πTt in the anticlockwise sense, and makes an angle of 2πTt+π4 with the x-axis.
The projection of OP on the x-axis at time t is given by,
For T=4s.
which is a SHM of amplitude A, period 4 s,
and an initial phase*=π4.
(b) In this case at t = 0, OP makes an angle of 90∘=π2 with the x-axis. After a time t, it covers an angle of 2πTt in the clockwise sense and makes an angle of (π2−2πTt) with the x-axis. The projection of OP on the x-axis at time t is given by
For T = 30 s,
Writing this as x (t ) = B cos(π15t−π2), and comparing with Eq. (14.4). We find that this represents a SHM of amplitude B, period 30 s, and an initial phase of −π2.
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