Answer the following questions :
(a) In any a.c. circuit, is the applied instantaneous voltage equal to the algebraic sum of the instantaneous voltages acorss the series elements of the circuit ? Is the same true for r.m.s. voltage?
(b) A capacitor is used in the primary circuit of an induction coil.
(c ) An applied voltage signal consists of a superposition of a d.c. voltage and an a.c. voltage of high frequency. The circuit consists of an inductor and a capacitor in series. Show that the d.c. signal will appear across C and the a.c. signal will appear across L.
(d) A choke coil in series with a lamp is connected to a d.c. line. The lamp is seen to shine brightly. Insertion of an iron core in the choke causes no change in the lamp's brightness. Predict the corresponding observation if the connection is to an a.c. line.
(e) Why is choke coil needed in use of fluorescent tubes with ac mains ? Why can we not use an ordinary resistor instead of choke coil?Solution in Tamil
A choke coil reduces voltage across the tube without wasting power. A resistor would waste power as heat.
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View SolutionAnswer the following questions : (a) In any a.c. circuit, is the applied instantaneous voltage equal to the algebraic sum of the instantaneous voltages acorss the series elements of the circuit ? Is the same true for r.m.s. voltage? (b) A capacitor is used in the primary circuit of an induction coil. (c ) An applied voltage signal consists of a superposition of a d.c. voltage and an a.c. voltage of high frequency. The circuit consists of an inductor and a capacitor in series. Show that the d.c. signal will appear across C and the a.c. signal will appear across L. (d) A choke coil in series with a lamp is connected to a d.c. line. The lamp is seen to shine brightly. Insertion of an iron core in the choke causes no change in the lamp's brightness. Predict the corresponding observation if the connection is to an a.c. line. (e) Why is choke coil needed in use of fluorescent tubes with ac mains ? Why can we not use an ordinary resistor instead of choke coil?
View Solutionएक आरोपित विभव में D.C. वोल्टेज एवं अधिक आवृत्ति के A.C. वोल्टेज का अध्यारोपण है। परिपथ में का प्रेरण कुण्डली एवं संधारित्र श्रेणी में संयोजित है। दर्शाइये कि D.C. सिग्नल संधारित्र के परितः एवं उच्च आवृत्ति का A.C. सिग्नल L के परितः प्राप्त होंगे।
View Solutionप्रश्नो के उत्तर दीजिए-
(a) क्या किसी ac परिपथ में प्रयुक्त तात्क्षणिक वोल्टताओं के बीजगणितीय योग के बराबर होता है ? क्या यही बात rms वोल्टताओं में भी लागु होती है ?
View SolutionIn any ac circuit, is the applied Instantaneous voltage equal to the algebraic sum of the instantaneous voltages across the series elements of the circuit ? Is the same true for rms voltage ?
View SolutionAn applied voltage signal consists of a superposition of a dc voltage and an ac voltage of high frequency. The circuit consists of an inductor and a capacitor in series. Show that the dc signal will appear across C and the ac signal across L.
View SolutionIn any ac circuit, is the applied instanteneous voltage equal to the algebraic sum of the instantneous voltages across the series elements of the circuit?Is the same true for rms value?
View Solutionकोई प्रयुक्त वोल्टता संकेत (applied voltage signal) एक d.c. वोल्टता तथा उच्च आवृत्ति के एक a.c. वोल्टता के अध्यारोपण (superposition) से बनता है । यदि परिपथ एक श्रेणीबद्ध L-C परिपथ से बनता हो , तो सिद्ध करें कि d.c.संकेत C पर तथा a.c. संकेत L के सिरों के बीच प्रकट होगा ।
View SolutionIn any ac circuit, is the applied instantaneous voltage equal to the algebraic sum of the instantaneous voltages across the series elements of the circuit? Is the same true for rms voltage?
View SolutionAn applied voltage signal consists of a superposition of a dc voltage and an ac voltage of high frequency. The circuit consists of an inductor and a capacitor in series. Show that the dc signal will appear across C and the ac signal across L.
View SolutionIn any ac circuit, is the applied instantaneous voltage equal to the algebraic sum of the instantaneous voltages across the series elements of the circuit? Is the same true for rms voltage?
View SolutionAn applied voltage signal consists of a superposition of a dc voltage and an ac voltage of high frequency. The circuit consists of an inductor and a capacitor in series. Show that the dc signal will appear across C and the ac signal across L.
View SolutionIn any ac circuit, is the applied Instantaneous voltage equal to the algebraic sum of the instantaneous voltages across the series elements of the circuit ? Is the same true for rms voltage ?
View SolutionAn applied voltage signal consists of a superposition of a dc voltage and an ac voltage of high frequency. The circuit consists of an inductor and a capacitor in series. Show that the dc signal will appear across C and the ac signal across L.
View SolutionIn any ac circuit, is the applied instantaneous voltage equal to the algebraic sum of the instantaneous voltages across the series elements of the circuit? Is the same true for rms voltage?
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