Mosquito bites can be more than just annoying and itchy. They can makes you really sick. Protect yourself and your family from from mosquitoes during travelling. Because dangerous disease like Zika, dengue , and chikungunya are are speed by mosquitoes.
Which of the following can be assumed form the given statement?
Mosquitoes are more dangerous than any other animals in the world.
There is no treatment of diseases like Zika, dengue, and chikungunya that are spread by mosquitoes .
Forty presect of the world' s population lives in an area at risk for dengura spreated by mosquito and an estimated 390 million people per year are infected with the virus.
There are more chances to ge t infected form mosquitoes while travelling rather than staying at home.
The correct Answer is:D
Only option (d) can be assumed from the given statement as it is mentioned in the given statement that Protect yourselfand your family from mosquitoes during travelling. so it can be assumed that there are more chances to get infected from mosquitoes.while travelling.
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