7 people - A, B, C, D, E, F and G stay on a 7 floors building (No body stays on ground floor which is named 0 floor). They are professors of different subjects - Finance, English, Computer, Physics, Marketing, Accounts and Mathematics (but not necessarily in the same order). The professor of Finance stays on either 2nd or 5th floor. There are three floors between the persons who teach English and Finance. And also there are 2 floors between the persons who teach English and Computers. Physics Lecturer stays immediately below the Marketing Lecturer. Accounts Lecturer stays below Mathematics Lecturer (not necessarily immediately below Mathematics Lecturer). Accounts lecturer does not stay on 1st or 2nd floor.
Which of the following subject's professor stays on 1st floor ?
The correct Answer is:D
There is no definite arrangement given. So we will have to start with 2 tables taking Finance with 5th floor on the 1st table, and taking Finance with 2nd Floor on the 2nd table. And then proceed In the last the table which does not give any contradiction will be final arrangement . Final arrangement is

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View Solutionएक पासा फेंका जाता है। मान लीजिए घटना E ‘पासे पर संख्या 4 दर्शाता है और घटना F 'पासे पर सम संख्या दर्शाता है। क्या E और F परस्पर अपवर्जी हैं ?
View Solutionरासायनिक अभिक्रियाओं के आधार पर निम्नलिखित धातुओं की विधुत - रासायनिक श्रेणी का निर्माण करो ।
(i) A+H2SO4→ASO4+H2
(ii) C+ACl2→CCl2+A
(iii) C+ECl2→ अभिक्रिया नहीं होती
(iv) D+2BCl→DCl2+2B
(v) D+H2SO4→ अभिक्रिया नहीं होती |
View Solutionपांच तत्व A, B, C, D व E के E∘ क्रमशः −1.36,+0.32,+1.36,−0.42 तथा −2.2.6 है उनको बढ़ती सक्रियता के क्रम में लिखो ।
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(मोल A व B को मिलाने पर वियोजन की मात्रा में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होता है)
View Solutionनीचे कुछ अभिक्रियाएँ दी गयी है-
(a) ACl2+B→BCl2+A
(b) B+DCl→ कोई अभिक्रिया नहीं
(c) C+2DCl→2D+CCl2
(d) C+ECl2→ कोई अभिक्रिया नहीं
(e) H2+ECl2→2HCl+E
(f) H2+FCl2→ कोई अभिक्रिया नहीं
उपरोक्त दिए तत्वों (A से F) को रासायनिक सक्रियता के घटते क्रम में व्यवस्थित करो ।
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