(1) Its prevalence reflects very badly on a society that is not able to stop this evil.
(2) Though elimination of child labour is an impossible task considering the current socio-economic scenario of these poor families, the Indian government is committed to the task of ensuring that no child remains illiterate, hungry and without medical care.
(3) Therefore, unless the socio-economic status of the poor families is improved. India has to live with child labour.
(4) The members of these households have to send their children to work, even if the future of these innocent children is ruined, as that is the only choice open for them to suvive in this world .
(5) Child labour is, no doubt, an evil that should be done away with at the earliest.
(6) But in a society where many households may have to suffer the pangs of hunger if the children are withdrawn from work. beggars can't be choosers.
Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement?
The correct Answer is:D
Step by step video, text & image solution for (1) Its prevalence reflects very badly on a society that is not able to stop this evil. (2) Though elimination of child labour is an impossible task considering the current socio-economic scenario of these poor families, the Indian government is committed to the task of ensuring that no child remains illiterate, hungry and without medical care. (3) Therefore, unless the socio-economic status of the poor families is improved. India has to live with child labour. (4) The members of these households have to send their children to work, even if the future of these innocent children is ruined, as that is the only choice open for them to suvive in this world . (5) Child labour is, no doubt, an evil that should be done away with at the earliest. (6) But in a society where many households may have to suffer the pangs of hunger if the children are withdrawn from work. beggars can't be choosers. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement? by English experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 14 exams.
Updated on:21/07/2023Topper's Solved these Questions
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View Solutionताश के 52 पत्तों में से यदृच्छ्या एक पत्ता निकाला जाता है। प्रायिकता ज्ञात कीजिए कि पत्ता हुकुम का हो लेकिन इक्का न हो |
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View Solutionयदि 10 टिकटों पर 1 से 10 तक की (प्रत्येक पर एक) संख्यायें लिखी हुई हैं। कोई संख्या दोहराई नहीं गई है। यदि A एक ऐसी घटना है, जिसमें विषम संख्यायें हों और B एक ऐसी घटना हो, जिसमें 3 से विभाज्य संख्या हों, तो दिखाओ कि P(A∪B)=P(A)+P(B)−P(A∪B)
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